Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Our Trip Home

We left at 8:00 PM to the airport. Our taxi driver seemed to be racing (for some reason), so it did not take as long as it did before. We were very relieved to be leaving, but at the same time miss the city. It was a great and fun place to be.
The first plane ride was very easy. She slept the whole way. When we landed in Tokyo, they managed to lose the stroller they had promised to have ready for us. Really great service. After getting through the 45-minute long wait in line, we got to the Japan Air service line, where they insisted we go back to baggage claim and repeat the line. No. After much... persuasion, one of their people went to get it for us. After this, we went to the nonexistent American Airlines line. That was another pretty long wait, until two people came. Two people, for an accumulating line of 20-some agitated passengers. That line was about as long as our wait for the people to come, except that we had to stand up. Not my favorite airport.
Remember when I said that she graciously slept from Hanoi. We didn't get that pleasure this time. And this is a twelve-hour ride. We hadn't taken our air mediciney-thingies, so Mom got a bit of a headache, while I got major motion sickness and threw up all over the lavatory.
When we got to Dallas/Fort Worth, we found out the true definition of a crazy airport. Even with Dad's warning, it was one of the craziest airports I have ever been in. We got stopped by the Fish & Wildlife commission guy who, looking at the turtle tag on our duffel, said
"Ma'am. Are you smuggling any fish or wildlife? Except for this sea turtle, of course." Finally, someone working at an airport with a sense of humor.
The short trip from Dallas to Hartford was not that hard. We met a lady who recommended a DVD that gives techniques to calm babies. Mae fussed a little bit at the beginning, but was fine for most of the flight, so long as we bent over backwards and catered to her every whim. She is Queen Medb, after all. Most of my air sickness went away, so the flight was OK for me as well, though there were times when I though, simply, Get me the heck off this infernal machine.
Well, we're back. Mom and I are going to take some time off to hang with her, and to recover from some major jet lag. She has met most of her grandparents, and has taken to them quite well. Initially, she was afraid of the dogs, but after realizing she was in control she was much better.
Pictures to come soon after this post.

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