Friday, March 30, 2007

The BaVi Buddhas

My mom and dad designed this T-shirt for the group to wear.
We all got one even the new babies.
Pretty Cool huh?

Maeve's newest pictures

These are the newest pictures of Maeve .

Mom likes this picture the best.

There is a woman in Vietnam right now who will be sending more pictures next week.

It is fun to see how much she changes, but we can also notice the little things that stay the same.

She has pouty lips and mom says her eyes twinkle just a little (did I tell you that she's a little obsessive?).

I've put her picture on the computer as my screen saver and I thought mom was gonna cry. She's telling everyone.

Thursday, March 29, 2007

Travel Pyramid

Here is a travel pyramid I compiled showing how many days left until we go, and then how many days before we come back.

6 Days Left!!!

Only six days left!!! Here is a pic of Maeve- a bit altered...

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Ba Vi Buddhas

Our family will be traveling with other families. These are the pictures of the 5 babies that are part of our travel group. The unofficial name of the Ba Vi Buddhas was given to us by my dad because the babies are "well-rounded".


7 Days!!! Hip-Hip- HOORAY!!!

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

8 Days

8 Days Left!!!! I can't wait. It is going to be awesome over there. I am just so excited.

Monday, March 26, 2007

Maeve's Story

Maeve is a cute, chubby little girl of 9 months. She is heavily bundled

in these pictures, as the Vietnamese believe that the babies should always be covered. Not shown here but also "required" are hats. My mother and both grandmothers have been sewing and crocheting hats and other articles of clothing, both for Mae and to leave with the orphanage and other babies.

The older lady shown in these pictures is Dr. Hong, who works in all three of the orphanages our adoption agency, Plan Loving Adoptions Now, supports.


Hello, and welcome to my new blog about adopting from Vietnam.
My family and I are going to Vietnam in 9 days (yay!), to adopt a little baby sister. We've named her Maeve, an Irish name. We are Irish on both sides, so we thought it was appropriate.
I have started this blog as a sort of electronic journal to my sister, family, teachers, and maybe potential adoptees.
Maeve is coming from an orphanage in Ba Vi, a province in Hanoi, North Vietnam. She was abandoned at the orphanage June 15, 2006, making her 10 months old when we pick her up. The doctor said she was well taken care of, swaddled in a yellow towel, wearing a white blouse. She weighed 3.3 kilograms. The orphanage gave her the name Nguyen Thi Hoa and chose June 15 to be her official birthdate, as she was not very old.